The Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn is a time of great significance for those who follow the ancient Celtic traditions. It falls between May 13th and June 9th, and during this time, the hawthorn tree is said to be in full bloom, with its fragrant white flowers attracting bees and other pollinators.

The hawthorn tree, also known as the May tree, has a long history of symbolism and folklore in Celtic mythology. It is associated with the Celtic goddess of love and fertility, Brigid, and is believed to have magical properties that can bring good fortune, protection, and healing.
According to Celtic legend, the hawthorn tree is also believed to be a gateway to the Otherworld, a mystical realm where spirits and supernatural beings reside. During the Hawthorn month, it is said that the veil between the worlds is thin, and communication with the Otherworld is easier.

In Celtic tradition, the hawthorn tree is also used in rituals and ceremonies to celebrate Beltane, a festival that marks the beginning of summer and the growing season. Beltane is a time of fertility and abundance, and the hawthorn tree is seen as a powerful symbol of these qualities.

The hawthorn tree is also revered for its medicinal properties. Its leaves, flowers, and berries have been used for centuries to treat a variety of ailments, such as heart conditions, anxiety, and digestive issues. The hawthorn tree is also believed to have a calming effect on the mind and emotions, making it a popular ingredient in herbal remedies for stress and anxiety.
During the Hawthorn month, many people celebrate by creating hawthorn flower garlands, hanging hawthorn branches over doorways for protection, and performing rituals and ceremonies to honor the tree and its magical properties.

The Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn is a time of great significance for those who follow the ancient Celtic traditions. It is a time to celebrate the beauty and magic of the hawthorn tree and its associations with love, fertility, protection, and healing. Whether you believe in the mystical properties of the hawthorn tree or not, there is no denying its historical and cultural significance in Celtic mythology and folklore.