May is the middle of Spring and a time when joy and abundance abound. Flowers and plants are blooming, everything is green, and life is coming back into full swing since Winter ended. There are plenty of amazing dates throughout May that you can celebrate as a pagan. Here they are:

May 1 - Beltane (High Spring): This is an ancient festival held by multiple pagan cultures. All about fire, this festival celebrates the union of the Goddess and God. Read more about Beltane here.
May 7 - New Moon in May: The new moon is all about new beginnings and this new moon in Taurus is all about looking at home and what makes it special to you. It's also time to take a hard-core look at what's around you. Could you declutter areas? Could you add in new colors to old spaces? Could you dress up other spots? How can you make your home base more "you"? Read more about the May New Moon here.

May 12 - Mother's Day: The day that mothers are honored here in the US.
May 13 - Celtic Tree Month of Hawthorn: The Hawthorn tree represents love and protection. It's also known as the Fairy tree and is a guardian for those of the Fae persuasion. It also represents life and death with its gnarled roots, hard wood, and beautiful flowers. Read more about Hawthorne here.

May 15 - Buddha Day: A holy day for Buddhists to celebrate the birth of Buddha. Buddhism is symbolized by pink lotus, so it's a good day to enjoy some!
May 23 - Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius: The May full moon is called the Flower Moon and is all about growth, discovery, and finding out the truth. Read more about the May Flower Moon here.
May 28 - Feast of Bendidia: A feast and celebration of the Goddess of the moon and the underworld.

I've started a new journal this month with new things I'm learning . Cause , we'll, I'm 52, and that wonderful menopausal brain fog sometimes helps me forget stuff lol
Thank you for taking time tonteach us all new things and remind us of things we perhaps have forgotten 💙🩵💙
Thank you for all the information ❤️
I just learned something today. This is really cool.
Great information. May this year will be so fun!
💜💜love all this wonderful information, TY!!