Beltane is an ancient Celtic festival that was celebrated on May 1st. It was one of the four major festivals of the Celtic year, along with Imbolc, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. Beltane was a celebration of the beginning of summer, the fertility of the land, and the coming of the light half of the year.

The origins of Beltane can be traced back to pre-Christian times, when the Celts celebrated the beginning of the summer season with bonfires, feasting, and ritual dancing. The festival was associated with the god Belenus, who was the god of the sun, fire, and healing. The word "Beltane" comes from the Gaelic word "Bealtaine," which means "bright fire" or "lucky fire."
One of the key rituals of Beltane was the lighting of bonfires. The Celts believed that the fires had purifying and protective powers, and they would drive their livestock between the fires to protect them from disease and bad luck. People would also jump over the fires to bring good luck and fertility.

Another important aspect of Beltane was the Maypole dance. The Maypole was a tall pole decorated with flowers and ribbons, and it was erected in the center of the village green. People would dance around the Maypole, weaving the ribbons into intricate patterns, which symbolized the weaving of the threads of life.
In addition to the bonfires and Maypole dancing, Beltane was also a time for feasting and celebration. People would gather together to share food, drink, and stories, and they would often exchange gifts and tokens of good luck.

With the coming of Christianity, the celebration of Beltane was gradually suppressed, and it was replaced by the Christian holiday of May Day. However, many of the traditions of Beltane have survived to this day, and they continue to be celebrated in various forms throughout the world.
Beltane is an ancient Celtic festival that celebrates the beginning of summer, the fertility of the land, and the coming of the light half of the year. It was a time for bonfires, Maypole dancing, feasting, and celebration, and it remains an important part of Celtic culture and tradition.