Inspiring Others to Find Their Path
"Colors speak louder than words." A gifted artist with synesthesia, The Blue Bodhi uses her gifts as a shamanic spiritual advisor and renowned aura artist to touch the lives of those that come across her path.

Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, raised in the Rocky Mountains outside of Denver, Colorado, The Blue Bodhi had an eclectic childhood of appreciating all that life and the world had to offer. Always learning something new, her family ensured and instilled the appreciation and wonder of other cultures, nature, open spiritual beliefs and the universe deep inside her as a child. At the age of 19, Bodhi had two near death experiences during a severe case of bacterial meningitis. Seeing the other side twice, experiencing what was waiting beyond life changed her immensely. It also set her on a unique path in life that she would not realize for almost 20 years.
While lucky to be alive, she gained several gifts from the meningitis, the main one being synesthesia. Synesthesia is a neurological condition where one of the body's senses (such as hearing) triggers another sense at the same time (such as seeing color). She has three types: chromesthesia, where sounds are also colors in her vision, grapheme-color where letters and numbers are colored and a rare form of tactile-visual synesthesia, where touch is a color.
She became enamored with colors and what they mean after realizing that every person's voice and the touch of their skin was a different color, shape, and size. She also found that simply touching someone briefly allowed her to instantly see their core color, but when she held their hand for a few moments, she began to see layers of color.
Fascinated with this ability and the colors it generated, she began to study color theory extensively. In this study, she found that she could take what she had learned about the meanings behind each color and read the layers of a person or just their voice and tell a massive amount about them. In honing this skill, she found that these layers she was "seeing" were actually the layers of a person's inner aura. She began to draw these for people, and found that in deciphering what the colors and shapes meant, she could reveal an amazing amount about the person in front of her. In 2014, she began to do these drawings professionally and it has taken her all over the US and in front of thousands of people, both the public and celebrities.
She has become a shamanic spiritual advisor to many people around the world, including the late Dustin Diamond.
In 2014, after going professional with her readings and healings, Bodhi experienced a year of ups and downs that would alter the course of her 'normal' life. Her mother passed away from an aneurysm in April, her sister had surgery for an aneurysm in June, she was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in September after a borderline diabetic coma episode, and finally in January 2015, Bodhi had 3 large seizures in a row, landing her in the hospital. After extensive testing, she was diagnosed with temporal lobe epilepsy as well as having undiagnosed seizures since her meningitis. In researching epilepsy, especially the type that she was diagnosed with, she found striking similarities throughout recorded history of those with this epileptic type as oracles, seers, shamans, and more. The epilepsy diagnosis set her on a path of learning and evolving into the spiritual woman she is today.
Along her path, she had many other gifts that manifested throughout her life - such as a talent for card and palm readings, painting, writing, mediumship, and more. She holds over 35 different certifications, has had multiple gallery shows for her art, and has written over 200 books to date since 1996. Some of her talents that she shares with the world include:
Aura drawings
Past life readings and healing
Deity readings and guidance
Spirit guide readings
Palm readings
Oracle card readings
Mediumship circles and services
Spiritual guidance
Reiki (she is a Master Teacher in 7 types and has a proprietary blend of her own, called Omni Reiki)
Shamanic services (she holds shamanic retreats, creates custom herbal remedies for clients, and travels to bring back information)





(Black Sabbath)
Bodhi currently holds over 55 certifications and is working on more. She earns at least 2 per year:
Omni Reiki - Founder
Rites of the Munay-Ki
Celtic Shamanic Rites
Usui Reiki - I, II, Master, Master Teacher
Quantum Reiki - I, II, Master, Master Teacher
Holy Fire Reiki - I, II, Master, Master Teacher
Angelic Reiki - I, II, Master, Master Teacher
Angelic Healing Practitioner
Shamanic Incan Reiki - I, II, Master, Master Teacher
Crystal Reiki - I, II, Master, Master Teacher
Spiritual Coach
Aura & Chakra Energy Healing
Pain Relief
Detox & Weight Loss
Yin Meridians
Yang Meridians
Karuna Ki Reiki - I, II, III, Master, Master Teacher
Remote Viewing
Past Life Hypnosis
Color Therapy
Color Therapy Reiki - I, II, III, Master, Master Teacher
Akashic Records
Animal Communication
Qi Gong
Esthetician (Oklahoma certification)
Celtic Ribbon Reading
Right Hand Path Reiki - I, II, III, Master, Master Teacher, Grandmaster
Life Story Coach
Crystal Healing Practitioner
Angel Cards & Guides
*Not all certifications listed
(Grandpa in Texas Chainsaw Massacre)




Ray Park

Miko Hughes

